Hug And Kisses
This stunning bouquet features a mix of elegant red roses, graceful white calla lilies, and delicate pink spray carnations, all beautifully arranged to create a truly special gift. The vibrant reds and soft whites are complemented by the delicate pinks, making this bouquet perfect for any occasion. Whether you're celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or simply want to brighten someone's day, this gorgeous arrangement is sure to impress and bring a smile to their face.
This bouquet includes:
- 10 White calla lilies and 12 red roses
- Seasonal accent flowers
- Seasonal foliage
- Complimentary message card
- FREE delivery (remote areas excluded)
- Please order 2 days in advance
Flower Bouquets , Romantic Flowers , Anniversary Flowers , Birthday Flowers , Graduation Flowers , Christmas Flowers
HK$ 1,399.00
In stock